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Cruise Ship

Seven Seas Explorer by Regent Seven Seas Cruises

Deck Plans

No. of Decks


Deck Plans

No. of Cabins


Deck Plans

No. of Passengers


Cruise Line

Regent Seven Seas Cruises

About the Ship

Seven Seas Explorer® is stunning, with art by Pablo Picasso on the walls and a vivid cobalt-blue glass installation on the ceiling in the elegant restaurant Compass Rose. See for yourself how every space is designed to impress.

Ship NameSeven Seas Explorer
OperatorRegent Seven Seas Cruises
Refit Year2019
Speed19 kn
Weight55,254 t
Length224 m
Capacity746 p
  • ID1356147
  • Launch Year2016
  • Languageen
  • CurrencyUSD
  • Crew count548
  • Deck count10
  • Cabin count373
  • Large cabin count49
  • Wheelchair cabin count3

Pacific Rim

Walk past the Tibetan Prayer wheel at the Pacific Rim entrance and be prepared for an evening of culinary perfection with an array of Pan-Asian flavours and dishes. An elegantly exotic eatery.


Pacific Rim

Walk past the Tibetan Prayer wheel at the Pacific Rim entrance and be prepared for an evening of culinary perfection with an array of Pan-Asian flavours and dishes. An elegantly exotic eatery.


Pacific Rim

Walk past the Tibetan Prayer wheel at the Pacific Rim entrance and be prepared for an evening of culinary perfection with an array of Pan-Asian flavours and dishes. An elegantly exotic eatery.


Pacific Rim

Walk past the Tibetan Prayer wheel at the Pacific Rim entrance and be prepared for an evening of culinary perfection with an array of Pan-Asian flavours and dishes. An elegantly exotic eatery.


Pacific Rim

Walk past the Tibetan Prayer wheel at the Pacific Rim entrance and be prepared for an evening of culinary perfection with an array of Pan-Asian flavours and dishes. An elegantly exotic eatery.


Compass Rose

The wondrous colours outside Seven Seas Explorer® are no match for the vivid cobalt-blue glass installation on the ceiling of our elegant Compass Rose, a perfect setting for breakfast and dinner.


Compass Rose

The wondrous colours outside Seven Seas Explorer® are no match for the vivid cobalt-blue glass installation on the ceiling of our elegant Compass Rose, a perfect setting for breakfast and dinner.

Cruises onboard Seven Seas Explorer

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